Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tuol Seng Prison

Today was aimed towards a serious type of a day. I was trying to brace my self for this experience that I knew I wouldn’t walk away laughing. We walked into the Toul Seng Genocide Memorial and we were handed a pamphlet to give us background knowledge on what went on in this prison / torture camp. This camp once was a high school, I couldn’t comprehend that this was a school like mine and I couldn’t help thinking what I would be like for this to happen to me. As I walked though the buildings, which were covered in barbwire, I could see the beds that people were tortured and killed in that very spot. The whole day was full of thought and sadness. It was a very unique experience and I will never forget it.



  1. I can only imagine what standing inside of a building that has contained so much pain and suffering would feel like. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

  2. That is amazing, thanks for your thoughts and writing this - most of us will never get to see that place and its a story that should be told.

  3. Piers- Your new understanding of the pain of genocide is a valuable lesson for life. Carry that with you always as you encounter the harshness of the world and share your empathy from this experience.
