Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Flute Lesson & Market Shopping

This morning, after a bit of a hectic breakfast, we climbed into our tuk-tuks and set off for our flute lesson. Although it was difficult to play with so many other people squeaking away on their own instruments at different times and speeds, most of us managed to learn at least half the song. The time afterwards was spent playing games and socializing with the several families living there. It was interesting to see the average living conditions here in Cambodia, which aren’t always great, but it seems the people who live here make the most of it. It’s amazing to me how, even though they may not have much themselves, the people we’ve met still go out of their way to make it comfortable for us.

We went for lunch and a shopping trip at the Russian Market, which was such a unique experience. All the heat from crowds and food stands was trapped inside, confined to the small paths that wound their way amongst numerous booths. The groups of twos and threes made their way around the mazes of stores and people on their own, eventually meeting back up again to head back to the guest house.

After a bit of work and rest time, we went to dinner and a short performance by Sinat, a master musician here in Cambodia. There was fantastic food and company, but eventually the tiredness took over and we all headed back to the guest house, only to do more packing and preparing for the early start the next day. Today was an adventure - and I’m sure tomorrow will be as well!

- Mia M


  1. Hi Mia, I enjoyed your description of the flute lesson environment and the market. It must be amazing to see first hand such a variety of standards of living. Keep posting :)

  2. Mia- The flute lesson sounds nerve-wracking. I am sure the "teachers" were using all their patience just as you were. While roaming the maze of the market place, did you sample any of the sights and sounds? Why is it called a "Russian" market? Thank you for sharing your news and views!

    1. Yes - the woman was very patient, despite the unruly noise we were making! I think it's called the Russian market because they used to shop there or something - but I'm not sure. That's what I heard anyways!
