Friday, May 11, 2012

Sam Reid-McKee’s taco blog (btw the title should totally be imma just keep banging on my coconuts)

Hiya! It’s me, Sam, just taking a break from banging on the coconut I made into a makeshift drum to write the blog today… tonight…. Right now… Anyways, this is our second and last full day at the beach and our last full day in El Salvador. Now, I have a bunch of super duper things to say about los guanacos (el salvadoreans), but first I’m just going to cover our day. First, we all woke up relatively late, which for us apparently, is around eight. After slugging across the hundreds of tired miles (about thirty feet normal distance) to the breakfast tables, we nommed on some delicious food, then got ready to take a great boat tour of the estuary. It was very interesting, and it was just a beautiful place. Then, we got back to the hostel and leapt into some rad waves man! We spent most of the day in both the ocean and the pool. After taking some group photos at the beach (where me and Luke got completely soaked by a surprisingly gigantic wave, our shoes are very wet) we sat down to another delicious meal cooked by the staff at this fine establishment. Now at about ten o’clock, I can safely saying that my mind is very exhausted and full to burst with many thoughts, but I do have a lot more to say, so after I walk on the beach with my buddies I may write more.  To be continued with more photos of our amazing adventures...

2 days later:  Hey it’s Sam again, and I’m back from my  walk on the beach! Whew, it was tiring! Anyways, yeah, multiple things got in the way of finishing it, and this is really the first chance I’ve had.

It is now our second day in Costa Rica after getting in at about three to five, and staying a great little hostel in San Jose. We then got up around six, ate breakfast, and at around eight thirtyish we hopped in the bus and drove down to a beautiful little farm in the middle of this dense rain forest called the Finca Luna Nueva lodge. After settling in in some great little rooms, we had a local and organic lunch that looked quite delicious. At the moment it’s is Luke and I here as everybody went on a hike of the rain forest and we’re both a little bit sick. The views here are just fantastic, they have this giant tree house that just looks over the entire landscape and it’s all just really beautiful.

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