Sunday, May 5, 2013

I live with Vanessa and her mother, father, sister and cat. They are all amazing people (I have yet to officially meet her sister and mother but saw them on skype!) and the cat comes and visits me every once and a while. We live in an apartment, I am housed in Vanessa's room upstairs. Her sisters room and the computer are also upstairs and the bathroom is right next to the staircase. Her parents room is next to the front door, and next to them is the living room and dining room, and the kitchen. They also have a basement. All in all, I love everything here! 


  1. Donna- Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your housing and host family. Why haven't you met the others yet? Are they traveling? Is the yard long and narrow, or is that just the photo angle? Are you ready for school?

  2. I love to see where you're staying! It looks like you have plenty of space and a very nice room. Visitations from the cat seem to be similar to that of the dog, he does a quick drive by and is off to the next. Looks like you have a great view! Very nice. I googled the street view of the address too. So strange how the streets appear long and narrow. We americans take up SO MUCH SPACE!!! LOL!!! Great blog! Love to see more!
