Monday, June 3, 2013

Dance Lesson Day!

Sunday, June 2: Dance Lesson Day!

        Today was definitely my favorite day so far. We went to Udong temple where we met some village children. They followed us all the way up to the top (509 steps) fanning us in hopes we would give them a couple of dollars. They also fought off some monkeys so that we wouldn't get hurt. They were the most beautiful human beings I have ever seen. They told us how they needed to make $20 so that they could afford school. ($20 in Cambodia is a lot) 

        After we went to lunch in the village we headed back into the city. Instead of going back to the hotel we went straight to the dance academy. The students showed us some of there traditional dancing and I can honestly say that they are the most talented dancers I have ever seen with my own two eyes. Every time I looked at them it was like seeing through their souls. They have so much passion in every movement; it’s breathtaking. When they finished their dances they asked us to show them some American dance. Being the only dancer in the group, I stepped up. I showed them some shuffling and they loved it! They asked me to teach them and they became pros in 10 minutes.

       This day has changed my life for the better. I love Cambodia and plan to live here in the future. 
            ~Hannah W. 


  1. How wonderful that you, as a dancer, were able to connect with the Cambodian dancers in that way. I am sure they will always remember you and what you taught them.

    As a teacher, I was always particularly saddened when I would see the young Cambodian children who were not in school...and it always gladdened my heart to see the little ones in their blue and white uniforms who were going to school.

  2. Way to go Hannah. Can you teach us the Cambodian dance (along with "shuffle")? I am so proud of you.
