Tuesday, April 28, 2015

So this one goes out to all the Mammas and Papas:

I hear that your kiddos may not be communicating as often or as much as you'd like.  Trust me, this is a good sign.  I meet with the kids every day and they are happy, healthy and safe.  Sometimes, they don't want to ask too much of their hosts, and sometimes, they go so hard during the day that they crash hard at night, but mostly they just don't know how hard it is to be 'left behind.'

In the next blog post, you will see their bright and shiny faces talking about their first impressions.

I have had many teachers at their German school tell me that this group is the most alert, awake and aware participators that we have ever brought to their school.  This makes me swell with pride, but the credit really goes to you all, for raising such amazing humans.  Thank you!

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