Friday, May 4, 2012

          As I walk down the hard cobble stone street I see the kids looking for something to play futbol with.  I am more than happy to play with them.  Futbol is more than just a sport here, it’s a passion it’s a lifestyle like they live to play Futbol.   The El Salvadorian people are still happy, they are very passionate and warm hearted people, even after the tragedies they have lived through.  The locals are the very best, waving to them and seeing their smiles radiate from their face and hearts. It fills your soul and mind with passion for creating change and positive energy. I have seen the hurt and suffering in the eyes of these people, and at the same time I feel the positive and best intentions following up,  and relinquishing their suffering and pain. I love these people. Knowing that this is the first country I have traveled to, I will always keep them close to my heart.
            I know when entering this country we got looks but the locals warmed up to us as we warmed up to them and they let us in, in their hearts and minds. Everything here has a very precise message. I need to indulge in and completely take in the El Salvadorian sprit. The people have a fire and the fire in their soul that is enlightening mine. This has shown me even more and explained to me the natural mind set the Americans have been set or dialed into;  your career is  not always your life,  look more beyond everything in life for that hidden meaning , take control of that and it will openly exceed your own personal expectations and life will naturally bring greater things, greater advances in life – I’m not talking about more power or money or more stuff, merely more sense of family, of community.  See past the first image and see the second and multiple side that everything has.   You can look at one thing hundred times and still see it with new eyes.  I see my life a little differently now and plan on living it that way as well. 
              Adios! Hasta Luego! 
              Kyle Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Kyle-
    Your words indicate the growth and change that a world traveler enjoys. Continue to explore with your eyes and emotions wide open. You have woven an eloquent story here. Thank you for sharing.
